Sunday, December 1, 2013

Jack Black Interviewed on The Treatment

There are many interviews by “The Treatment” but the one that called my attention the most was the one with Jack Black. This interview was posted October 12, 2012 and even though I’m watching a year later I was still able to find it interesting. Jack Black is usually comedic actor in movies for all ages. Some of the famous movies were he has come out are King-Kong, School of Rock, Year one, Shallow Hal, and my all-time favorite Nacho Libre. Besides being an actor Jack Black also appears on Television shows and is a lead vocalist of the comedic rock group Tenacious D, which was formed in 1944.
In this interview they mainly focused on the movie Bernie, which came out in 2011. The interview is based in what the movie is about and what it was like working with it. In this particular film jack black plays a more serious role than he usually does in all his other films. This interview showed me the other side of Jack Black because I’m used to his funny roles. Something that surprised me is that he said to get emotional during his movies. This was a surprised to me because of the personalities that he has in majority of his films and just the way he is in his normal life.
One of the quotes that Jack black said was "When I go on stage and play my part, I feel like I can express myself more then anywhere else". For jack black to feel like this is crazy to me because I would never think a person with a personality like in his movies would be shy and quiet in public. I mean he is such a good comedian that is hard to think that in real life real life situations he is not like in his films. However, when on stage he feels as if his true colors are naturally expressed. This quotes shows how although people can be quiet and shy there will always be something that can make them feel comfortable and bring the best out of them.
Another thing that stood out to me was when he said, "Anyone can be the Green Lantern. Any Shape or size as long as you hold the ring and that is where I come in".  In his case it shows that his desire to be an actor has always been there even though he is not the nest looking guy in the film industry, that has not stopped from becoming one of the best. The quote also shows that as long as there is desire things will always be possible, you just got to have the passion for it.
The last quote that caught my attention is , "If you dont believe that you are the best band in the world then you shouldnt be a band". This quote is actually by a member of the famous band “The Beatles”. In my opinion it means that if you don’t believe in yourself and that you can be good in whatever you’re doing then you’re doing things wrong because first you must believe in yourself. Anyway Jack Black explain his mind set on his two man band Tenacious D with Kyle Gass his best friend. It also explains the main theme in a number of his works, which is his dream of becoming famous. This quote mean a lot to me because it shows the desire he has even if his band was not one of the best, he still kept going and eventually you will get somewhere.

Finally, the guest had a lot of good things to say about the things he is working on. After this interview I value him more as an actor and serves as an inspiration to me. Jack Black is such a good comedic actor and the things he brings to the screen are what make him my favorite actor ever. He is what makes the film Nacho Libre one of the best movies ever and also my favorite. 

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